To ensure compliance with relevant codes, and conformance with Good Engineering Practice, ZON offers field reviews and inspection services for solar photovoltaic systems. Our Solar Inspection services focus on reviewing the workmanship of the installation with respect to performance, durability, reliability and safety for both the DC and AC portions of the system.
To verify that a solar PV system has been designed and constructed properly, our Solar Inspection services consist of three activity groups: DC & AC System Inspections, Infrared Thermography Survey and Performance Ratio Test (PRT) Services.

Visual review of connections and terminations of conductors (including polarity), as well as assembly of fasteners, fittings and joints.
Review of the wire management to ensure that conductors are properly supported and protected.
Visual inspection of racking system, including "spot checks" of racking connections and module-to-racking connections.
Comprehensive review of the grounding/bonding strategy to verify continuity from the modules through to the inverter as per OESC requirements.
A review of installed modules, all DC equipment (including fuses), and DC conductors to verify that they conform to the "Issued for Construction" drawings and supporting documents, and are installed properly.
A review of labeling for compliance with the OESC, LDC and Owner requirements. This includes string and inverter labeling.

Visual review of connections and terminations of conductors, as well as assembly of fittings and joints.
Review of the wire management to ensure that conductors are properly supported and protected.
A comprehensive review of the grounding/bonding strategy to verify continuity through the AC portion of the system as per OESC requirements.
A review of all inverters, all AC equipment (including fuses, disconnects, etc.), and the AC conductors to verify that they conform to the "Issued for Construction" drawings/ documents, and are installed properly.
A review of labeling for compliance with the OESC, LDC and Owner requirements. This includes inverter, disconnects, metering, and switchgear/service entrance labeling.

At peak conditions, after the system has been operating for an adequate length of time, we will carry out infrared thermal scans of all equipment and connections required to ascertain the correct operation of the system. This includes combiner boxes, inverters, AC panelboards, transformers, DC/AC switchgear, metering equipment and POC connections.
Following the DC and AC site reviews, and after the standard commissioning process has been completed by the electrical contractor, and upon receipt of the commissioning reports, ZON will carry-out the testing required to complete the COVER form, including:​
Inverter Protective Relay Settings - reviewing the inverter protective relay settings to ensure that the factory settings, as tested to IEEE 1547 requirements, are properly entered and that the factory settings have not been overridden.
Electrical Specifications Verification - logging the operation of the system at a convenient production level and recording system voltage, frequency and power factor.
Anti-Islanding Functional Performance Test - By opening the connection between the inverter and the grid, ZON will ensure that the inverter ceases to energize and there is no voltage present from the inverter.
Performance Ratio Test (PRT) - an end-to-end test in order to verify proper operation of the PV system and output in accordance with the Client or AHJ Technical Requirements. Results from this test are compared to a generation model to validate system performance