The objective of the commissioning process is to review, verify and document that the project design meets sound engineering principles. It is also expected that the construction process results in a reliable PV system that meets the expectations outlined within this document. This is achieved by documenting the design intent early in the project conception phase and through continued involvement through design, construction, acceptance and operation. In general, commissioning will provide a fully functional system that:
Has been proven to meet all of the Client's design criteria, functional requirements and operational requirements before the date of acceptance,
Is installed to the requirements of the contract documents and applicable codes and standards,
Operates consistently at peak efficiencies and with the intended performance,
Has complete documentation relating to all installed equipment and systems.
To verify that a solar PV system has been designed and constructed properly, the commissioning process is broken down into three activity groups: Inspection, Testing and Reporting.
Visual reviews of modules, racking system, DC equipment, inverters, AC equipment, cable management, labels and monitoring system.
Review of fastener torque values throughout system
Open circuit testing
Insulating resistance testing
I-V curve testing
Power quality monitoring
Three phase power quality sampling & analysis
Performance ratio testing
Anti-Islanding verification
Infrared (IR) thermal imaging surveys
Monitoring system commissioning
Site review reports
Installation verification checklists
Commissioning reports
Independent Engineer's Certificate (Exhibit G)